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Aeroplane - Airplane

Aubergine - Eggplant

Bathroom - Room with a bathtub

Bedside table - Night stand

Bill - Check

Biscuit - Cookie

Bonnet of car - Hood

Boot of car - Trunk

Braces (for trousers/pants) - Suspenders

Buck’s Fizz - Mimosa

Busker - Street Entertainer (esp. musical)

Cable ties (used as handcuffs) - Plasticuffs

Candyfloss - Cotton Candy

Car park - Parking lot

Car Registration number - Car License number

Caravan - Trailer (RV)

Cheque - Check

Chips - French Fries

Cinema - Movie Theatre

College/Uni. 2nd Year - Sophomore

College/Uni. Fresher - Freshman

Constable - Police Officer

Coriander - Cilantro

Crisps - Potato Chips

Drawing Pin - Thumb tack/Push pin

Dual carriageway - Divided highway

Dustbin - Garbage can

Estate Agent - Realtor

Estate car - Station wagon

Flat - Apartment

Floor of building: 1st floor (etc.) - 2nd floor (etc.)

Floor of building: Ground floor - 1st floor

Flyover - Overpass

Fortnight - Two weeks (14 days)

Fringe (hair) - Bangs

Garden - Yard

Handbag - Purse

Holdall - Carryall

Holiday - Vacation

Indicator of car - Turn signal (Blinker)

Jumper - Sweater

Kerb - Curb

Layby - Pull in

Lead (as in Dog’s lead) - Leash

Letter Box - Mailbox in or near door to receive mail

Licence - License

Lift - Elevator

Lorry - Truck

Maths - Math

Mobile (phone) - Cell phone

Motorway - Expressway/Highway

Motorway Services or Service Area - Rest and Service Area (RSA)

Mum (Mam in Wales) - Mom

Nappy - Diaper

Note (£) - Bill ($)

Noughts and Crosses - Tic tac toe

Paddle (as in: Going for a paddle) - ankle deep in the sea

Pants - Briefs (m) Panties (f)

Paracetamol - Acetaminophen

Pavement - Sidewalk

Pedestrianised - City street only for pedestrians

Petrol - Gasoline

Petrol Station - Filling Station

Pillar box - Mailbox (shaped like a pillar on a sidewalk)

Pip - Seed esp. of an apple

Plaster - Band-aid

Posh (adj.) of a person - upper class/smart; of a place - exclusive/expensive

Post box - Mailbox (in walls or on posts)

Post Code - Zip Code

Pub (Public House) - Bar

Purse (Coin holder (f)) - Wallet

Pushchair - Stroller

Queue (of people) - Line

Railway - Railroad

Registration Plate of car - License Plate

Ring road - Beltway

Roundabout - Traffic Circle

Saloon car - Sedan

Sat Nav (Satellite Navigation System)  - GPS

Sellotape - Scotch Tape

Semi (semi-detached house) - Duplex

Shorthand Typist - Stenographer

Skirting board - Baseboard

Slip-road - on-ramp/off ramp

Snakes and Ladders - Chutes and Ladders

Suspenders (for ladies stockings) - Garters

Take away (food) - Take out

Tannoy or PA - Public Address System

Tap - Faucet

Tarmacked or Metalled road - Paved road/Black top

Telegraph pole - Utility pole for telephone wires

Tights - Pantyhose/Nylons

Toilet or Loo - Bathroom

Torch - Flashlight

Tractor - Agricultural Tractor

Trousers - Pants

Tyre - Tire

Verge (grass) - Shoulder of road

Vest - Undershirt

Waistcoat - Vest

Wardrobe - Closet

Windscreen - Windshield

Yard - Enclosed paved area domestic/industrial

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